Distillation Column | Stripper Column
Distillation Column | Stripper Column

Distillation Column | Stripper Column

Distillation Column & Stripper Column Manufacturer

Distillation Column

Distillation column is a critical component in chemical processing industries, used primarily for separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. Varun Engineering specializes in designing and manufacturing high-efficiency distillation columns to meet a wide range of industrial needs.

How It Works

Distillation columns operate on the principle of repeated vaporization and condensation cycles. The column consists of multiple trays or packing materials that facilitate contact between ascending vapor and descending liquid. This process allows for the separation of components based on their boiling points.

Types of Distillation Columns

  • Continuous Distillation Column: Ideal for large-scale industrial applications where a constant feed of mixture is separated continuously.
  • Batch Distillation Column: Suitable for smaller operations or for processes that require flexibility in operation and handling different mixtures in batches.

Components of a Distillation Column

  • Reboiler: Heats the mixture to create vapor.
  • Condenser: Cools the vapor back into liquid form.
  • Trays/Plates or Packing: Increases the surface area for vapor-liquid contact, enhancing separation efficiency.
  • Column Internals: Including feed points, reflux drums, and take-off points for the separated components.


  • Petroleum Refineries: For fractionating crude oil into various hydrocarbon products.
  • Chemical Plants: For purifying chemicals and separating by-products.
  • Food and Beverage Industry: For producing high-purity alcohols and other distilled products.


  • High efficiency in separating components with close boiling points.
  • Flexibility in handling a wide range of feed compositions and products.
  • Scalable designs to suit various industrial capacities.

Stripper Column

Stripper column, also known as a stripping column, is used primarily for removing volatile components from a liquid mixture. Varun Engineering offers robust and efficient stripper columns tailored for diverse industrial applications, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

How It Works

Stripper column typically operates by introducing steam or an inert gas at the bottom of the column, which strips the volatile components from the liquid as they ascend. The stripped components are collected at the top, while the remaining liquid exits from the bottom.

Types of Stripper Columns

  • Steam Stripper: Uses steam to strip volatile components from the liquid. Commonly used in water treatment and petrochemical processes.
  • Gas Stripper: Uses an inert gas like nitrogen for stripping, suitable for processes sensitive to water or where steam is not feasible.

Components of a Stripper Column

  • Steam/Gas Inlet: Introduces the stripping agent into the column.
  • Trays/Plates or Packing: Enhances the contact between the liquid and the stripping agent.
  • Feed and Discharge Points: For introducing the liquid mixture and discharging the stripped liquid.
  • Overhead Condenser: Condenses the stripped volatile components for collection.


  • Petrochemical Industry: For removing light hydrocarbons from heavier liquid streams.
  • Water Treatment: For stripping volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water.
  • Chemical Manufacturing: For purifying solvents and removing unwanted volatile impurities.
  • Removal of Naphthalene
  • Removal of Ammonia


  • Effective in removing low-boiling point components from liquid mixtures.
  • Enhances the purity of the remaining liquid.
  • Versatile design options to accommodate different feed compositions and operating conditions.


Both distillation and stripper columns are essential in various industrial processes, providing efficient separation and purification solutions. Varun Engineering’s expertise in manufacturing these columns ensures that clients receive high-quality, reliable equipment tailored to their specific needs.

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